Nigga extremely offensive name for a Black person "only a Black can call another Black a nigga"

niggaAnyone can be a Nigga. There are 2 kinds that most people know of. One is calling someone a nigga like calling someone a dude. Which is cool? And then there is the other one. The other one is basically a stupid muthafucka who does low class lowest denominator shit. Nigga as in dude is ok, it’s a word any American or really anyone, can and should enjoy. But no one should want to be the other kind. Wanting to be a stupid muthafucka is some dumb Nigga shit.

Nigga is a colloquial term used in Black English Vernacular that began as an eye dialect form of the word nigger (a word originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black").


In fact replace the word with white trash or any other word. its all some ignorant stupid shit. A white trash can be a Nigga; a nigga can be a white trash. They both do ignorant stupid dumb shit. You should understand now. We love the word nigga; we use it all the time. But we use it in the same way people use dude. It’s nothing but a friendly way to refer to someone. But we hate the other meaning of the word. And while no one should actually want to be a nigga, we will admit watching niggas do nigga shit is funny as fuck.

In practice, its use and meaning are heavily dependent on context. Presently, the word Nigga is used more liberally among younger members of all races and ethnicities in the United States. IN addition to African Americans, other ethnic groups have adopted the term as part of their vernacular.

niggaThere is conflicting popular opinion on whether there is any meaningful difference between nigga and nigger as a spoken term. Many people consider the terms to be equally pejorative, and the use of nigga both in and outside African American communities remains controversial. H. Lewis Smith, author of Bury that Sucka: A Scandalous Affair with the N-word, believes that "replacing the 'er' with an 'a' changes nothing other than the pronunciation" and the African American Registry notes, "Brother (Brotha) and Sister (Sistah or Sista) are terms of endearment. Nigger was and still is a word of disrespect." The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a civil rights group, condemns use of both nigga and nigger.

Some African-Americans only consider nigga offensive when used by Americans of other races,its use outside a defined social group being an unwelcome cultural appropriation. Used by blacks, the term may indicate "solidarity or affection", similar to the usage of the words dude, homeboy, and bro. Others consider "nigga" non-offensive except when directed from a non-African-American towards an African-American. Yet others have derided this as hypocritical and harmful, enabling white racists to use the word and confusing the issue over nigger

We will take some time to look at people do stupid low class shit, and laugh at them. And again anyone can use the word nigga and anyone can be one too. We are not gonna only make fun of black people here like some other places, we are gonna laugh at everyone who does idiotic bullshit. This place is for everyone, anyone can enjoy this place, not just black people. This place is here to have fun and chill, and of course laugh at dumb low class people and the stupid shit they do. Alright let’s see some nigga shit.

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